Student - 2011-10-30 17:21:39

How quickly earn money ??

Firstly the most easy method is making noobs characters to separate accounts and go Tibia MC ;) Now you can go at Dagers , Shukaku spears, probably raikage glove.

Secendly We can go to the Weapons and loots ice legs, death legs and other.

Thirdly (I don't recommend) Can bouth 100g for sms 7,32zł about 1,8 Euro.

How lose pz ??

If you go to the shaolin (not in frozen) you had to enter the spring.
Pz disappears

How wlakind in charge ??

If you press hotkey (throw shuriken for examply) at the moment who we're moving We can going in charge now ;)

Thanks for your attentions ;)
Ps My english isn't so Good xD